Pashtun village near Gardez, Paktika Province, an area in the ‘red zone’ known for considerable Taliban insurgent activity.
Pashtun tribesmen Jalalabad.
US troops on patrol on “IED Alley”, the deadly road cutting through the mountains between Kabul and the Pashtun frontier city of Jalalabad.
Kuchi shepherd boy.
Kuchi Pashtun nomads in the Silk Gorge between Kabul and Jalalabad
Welcomed by Kuchi nomads who invite us to join them for a simple meal.
Distinctive three wheeled motorcycle taxi, Jalalabad.
Smiling local men in the bazaar compare drastically to the women in burqas in the background, Jalalabad.
Like a child’s toys, a line of cars snake their way along the cliffs of the dangerous Silk Gorge, scene of the destruction of an invading British army by Pashtun tribesmen in 1842.
Entrance to Darunta, the site of Bin Laden’s base in the foothills of the Tora Bora Mountains. Near Jalalabad in Pashtun tribal areas.
Naqshbandi was be-headed while the Italian journalist he was working with was ransomed by his government causing deep anger among the Afghans.
The ever-present face of Massoud the Lion of Panjsher greets those arriving in Kabul.
Dostum and Panjshir Valley 2005
Entrance to the remote Panjsher Valley, headquarters of Massoud the Lion
Panjsher Valley, HQ of the greatest anti-Soviet freedom fighter, Massoud the Lion of Panjsher.
Tajik hillside villages in Panjsher.
Massoud's tomb, Jangalak, Panjsher Valley.
Massoud was assassinated by Al Qaeda on Sept. 9 2001.
Inside Massou'd's mausoleum, Jangalak.
Inside Massoud's headquarters with one of his childhood friends and bodyguards.
Breakfast with Massoud's mujahideen commanders.
Destroyed Soviet tank from 1980s, Panjsher.
Mine removing team, Panjsher.
Living With a Warlord 2003
Kabul presidential palace destroyed in Afghan Civil War 1990's, Palace was booby-trapped by Neo-Taliban
View over Kabul vividly demonstrating widespread damage to city
Sunrise over the Hindu Kush Mountains on journey through the Salang pass to Mazar-i Sharif
Journey across the Shomali Plain, the most widely mined war zone in Afghanistan, bridge made from destroyed soviet armored personnel carriers from 1980's
US humvee outside Baghram Air Base North of Kabul
Afghan child, Shomali Plain
Destroyed Soviet tanks, Shomali Plain North of Kabul
Destroyed Soviet tank from 1980s, Panjsher.
With General Dostum’s horses used in cavalry charges against Taliban
Shiberghan destroyed Taliban Sukhoi fighter bomber, hit in November 2001 by US B-52 Air Raid