Hollywood Afghan Film
- On the Hollywood movie set in remote New Mexico mountains for the blockbuster Afghan war movie, 12 Strong, featuring A-list actor Chris Helmsworth, of Thor Avengers fame, playing my friend, legendary Green Beret Commander Mark Nutsch, who is in my book titled The Last Warlord
- Australian actor Chris Helmsworth playing the Green Beret leader whose team joined Uzbek Mongol anti-taliban commander General Dostum to fight the common foe in the Afghan mountains in October and November, 2001
- With Iranian Actor from the popular television series Homeland, Navid Negahba playing the larger than life, Uzbek Mongol warlord General Dostum who lead the joint US Uzbek cavalry charges against the Taliban from the mountains
- This Afghan actor is playing Dostum’s right-hand man who I interviewed extensively, during my visit to General Dostum’s compound. The actor Faisal served as an interpreter for US Marines fighting the Taliban
- With famous actor Michael Pena, who plays a Green Beret in the movie 12 Strong. He starred in such movies as Fury, Ant Man, and The Martian
- With Navid wearing Genral Dostum’s actual combat gear, which I had Afghan Vice President Dostum send to the movie set from the Palace of Afghanistan
- With New Mexico actors playing Taliban who are a lot nicer than the real Taliban prisoners that I met in Dostum’s prison
- More Green Beret action
- With New Mexico Taliban
- Impressed by the real Soviet military hardware, the producers borrowed from nearby army base at White Sands, which resembled the dozens and dozens of Soviet tanks I saw blown up in the Afghan countryside
- In Hollywood with actor Chris Helmsworth, aka Thor, and my book
- In Hollywood with the director, Nicolai Neward Fugslig
- The cast at the press debut of the movie in Hollywood
- The very real Green Beret leader Mark Nutsch, who has graciously lectured in my classes, with the real General Dostum of Afghanistan in 2001
- The producers of the movie flew General John Mulholland and the original team members in civilian clothes and the new A-Team members to New York for the red carpet debut of 12 Strong. Here they are with Captain Mark Nutsch, in grey, and General Mulholland, who lead the overthrow of the Taliban in black, on the left. 10 members of the original 12 Strong Green Beret A-Team
- With the original members of Tiger 02, Operational Detachment Alpha (A team) 595 who appear in my book The Last Warlord and in the movie 12 Strong half of which was based on my book.
- At the red carpet Manhattan debut of 12 Strong with Vice President Dostum’s son, actor Navid Negahba who plays General Dostum, Dostum’s ambassador and a legendary New York Swat Team Member
- With Ambassador Ayoob, Captain Mark Nutsch, played by Thor, Dostum’s son, and the Actor Faisel.
- The debut of the movie in Manhattan’s Lincoln Center with the actors on stage and the real Green Beret’s in the audience
- With one of the real Green Beret team members, Justin Sapp, who has graciously spoken to my classes
- Actor Michael Shannon from such movies as The Texture of Water, who plays number two in the Green Beret
- Members of the Green Beret team hoisting the actor who plays a young Afghan boy depicted in my book in the movie, Arshia Mendavi
- Myself with General Mulholland, who lead the overthrow of the Taliban
- Vice President Dostum’s Son giving captain Mark Nutsch, the legendary leader of the overthrow of the Taliban, a photo plaque of the actual campaign from his father, General Dostum
- Myself with Batur Dostum, and Captain Nutsch
- With Hollywood actor Ethan Hawke, whose movie Good Kill was based in part on my book Predators
- The dedication ceremony for the Horse Warrior Statue