The new facilities being built to hold illegal combat detainees
The now-overgrown former camp for holding illegal combat detainees from Afghanistan in 2001 known as Camp X-Ray
Sunset looking towards the opposite side of the bay with new prisoner
facilities in background
Sunset over the new prisoner facilities at Gitmo
The remnants of Hatian refugee boats have been collected outside the Gitmo light house.
One of the boats that brought desperate Hatian refugees to Guantanamo Bay in search of a new home.
The view across the bay of Guantanamo
With Commander Charlie Swift the J.A.G. (Judge Advocate General) who was defending Salim Hamdan, Bin Laden's driver in the Military Commission I attended as an expert witness.
Statue honoring US Marines who guard Guantanamo Bay
One of the more mundane sights at Gitmo, American ethnic cuisine for the troops.
Guantanamo is also known for its iguanas. There is a ten thousand dollar
fine for "killing or eating iguanas."
One of Gitmo's famous iguanas with Guantanamo Bay in background.
Iguana closeup
Guantanamo's only 'beach' the rocks of Cable Beach
The military transport takes visitors from the western side of Gitmo
(where the airport is located) to the main base on the eastern tip of the
With Commander Charlie Swift after the Hamdan hearing standing in front of the building used for the Military Commissions to try illegal combat