Muslim Spain
- The Al Hambra fortress and palace complex, one of the greatest examples of Muslim architecture in the world, Granda Spain.
- View of the town of Granada from the castle.
- View of Al Cazar-castle in the Al Hambra, Granada.
- View of Al Cazar-castle at Granada with courtyard in foreground.
- Castle at Al Hambra.
- Entrance to the castle.
- The beauty of the Harem interior which led an Arab poet to write "There is nothing so painful as being blind in Granada!"
- The delicate grace of Al Hambra courtyards compare drastically to typical architecture in Medieval Europe.
- The world famous Courtyard of the Lions carved from marble
- Close-up of architecture details.
- Humming nightlife in Madrid the Spanish capital a world away from Granada
- The Mezquita Mosque (9th Century AD). Cordoba, Spain's second greatest Muslim center.
- Inside the forest of marble columns in the Mezquita the world's third largest mosque, Cordoba.
- Avoiding the heat outside by strolling through the cool maze of columns in the Mezquita.
- Close-up of stunning details found throughout this massive mosque.
- In 1236 the Spanish re-conquered Muslim Cordoba and turned the Mezquita into a Christian place of worship.
- (On the left) details of the 16th century Baroque Church which was built into the center of the sprawling Mezquita.
- The elaborate mighrab (prayer niche facing Mecca) in the Mezquita.
- Relaxing in one of Madrid's famous squares.